Terms and conditions

The terms and conditions of our mindfulness services, including events and sessions.
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Digital Goods

Availability and purchase

We agree to make available to customers any digital content they have purchased on our website within 7 days of full payment clearing with us. The method of payment may affect the time needed to process your order. We recommend using a credit or debit card through PayPal for the fastest processing.

Once payment has cleared, you will be emailed with a link to download your purchased product/s. Failure to provide the correct email or payment information may result in downloads not being available and our agreement to provide the content within 7 days of payment clearance will not apply. If you believe you provided us with the incorrect email address or wrong payment information, please contact us at mindfulness@rachel-mckenna.co.uk.

Time period and limits

In line with the terms above, once you have received your email to download your content, you may download the digital content purchased an unlimited number of times within a 2-year (730 day) period. If you require access to re-download your product after this time, please email us at mindfulness@rachel-mckenna.co.uk.

Cooling off period for Digital Downloads

Any purchases of digitally downloadable goods cannot be refunded within 14 days unless they have not been downloaded by the consumer. If you download your purchase, you waive your right to the 14-day cooling-off period usually associated with the purchase of goods. If you have not downloaded your product/content, you have 14 days to contact us via email at mindfulness@rachel-mckenna.co.uk to request a full refund.

Events, sessions or consultations

Bookings are non-refundable
We are unable to refund for missed sessions unless the fault is with Rachel McKenna Mindfulness.

By making payment you agree:

  • That you have fully read and understood the information around health and safety (below), and will inform Rachel McKenna of any medical issues the participant may have (in particular, issues surrounding mental health, mobility, asthma and/or epilepsy) ahead of the first session
  • If you are the parent or guardian of a child doing a session, please be present within the same room as your child to ensure the safety and protection of the child and that of the session facilitator
  • Sessions will not be recorded due to data protection and safeguarding
  • That you understand and agree to the terms and conditions in this document
  • You understand our refunds, cancellation and return policy and how it affects you and your purchase


Rachel McKenna is not a medical professional and any tips or advice shared to support any participant, adult or child, using mindfulness and meditation should always be carefully considered by yourself and checked with a GP. Rachel McKenna will not accept responsibility for any issues caused by not following the terms and conditions carefully, adhering to the specific advice around contra-indications and health and safety and where you should have consulted a GP for medical guidance.

Please see our cancellation and refund policy for further details on refunds, exchanges or cancellations.

Health and Safety with Children and Adults

Medical Information 

You must declare any relevant conditions that you have prior to the commencement of any service including, in particular, any serious mental health condition, epilepsy, heart condition or asthma. You may be requested to inform or seek consent from your GP or other medical practitioner and, where this is relevant, you must agree to do so before commencing the use of the service.

Participants with asthma

If you or your child has asthma, we ask that you ensure that your/their inhaler is to hand. During mindfulness and meditation, we may spend a little time connecting with our breath. For some people, children and adults alike, this can sometimes be problematic, and we ask that if you notice that this feels uncomfortable for yourself or your child, then you simply switch the focus from breath to perhaps focusing on pulse… or even the look of your/their fingertips. Although we will be keeping a look out for any issues, we ask that you monitor this from your end please, particularly where children are the main participants. If you could please also make Rachel Ashcroft Mindfulness aware via email ahead of the first session, that would be great.

Participants with epilepsy

Although very rare, it has been known that people who suffer with epilepsy can sometimes be triggered by deep relaxation during meditation and have a seizure during longer meditations. It is very important that you make Rachel McKenna Mindfulness aware via email ahead of the first session if you or your child have epilepsy so that we can advise you accordingly. We advise speaking with your GP as the first port of call.

Participants with psychological issues

It is very important that you make Rachel McKenna Mindfulness aware of any existing, or history of, any psychological issues with you or your child (where you or your child is the main participant).

Participants with mobility issues

Whilst the mindful movement that we do with be gentle, it is important that you and/or your child only ever move within the realms of your/their own comfort zone. This is by no means a competition, and all of our bodies move in their own way. Moving only in a way that feels good for you, without putting pressure or strain on the body, is what it’s all about. Please make Rachel McKenna Mindfulness aware of any mobility issues ahead of session one so that we can support you and/or your child accordingly.

Your involvement in a children’s session (anyone under the age of 18)

It is very important that you stay in the room with your child throughout the session please, even as a silent observer in the background. This ensures their safety and also that of the session facilitator.

Questions, concerns or further information

If you have questions or concerns or require further information about our courses, events and services prior to purchase, you may contact Rachel McKenna:

By email: mindfulness@rachel-mckenna.co.uk
By phone: 0121 369 2468