Mindfulness Now Teacher Training

learn the skills to be able to teach mindfulness to others
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Mindfulness Now Teacher Training

Research has shown that mindfulness meditation offers powerful health and well-being benefits. Qualified teachers can be in high demand, teaching 1-to-1, as well as in groups and within organisations.

This certified teacher training is approved by The British Psychological Society and includes specialist tuition in mindfulness approaches, including the Mindfulness Now Programme which integrates key elements of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Both are evidence-based and the latter is recommended by NICE.


The Mindfulness Now Programme is approved by The British Psychological Society

Promoting Excellence in Psychology

Course structure

The UK College of Mindfulness Meditation teacher training course is structured through a specific, day-by-day programme, designed to guide students, over 5 consecutive days, through a combination of practical ‘hands-on’ learning along with the teaching of underpinning theoretical knowledge. As well as being provided with a comprehensive printed training manual, students also receive the contents of this electronically to enable them to tailor teaching to specific needs. Additional handouts are provided as needed. Similarly, PowerPoint slides used within some parts of the training are also supplied to students for them to use/modify for use, where appropriate in their teaching.

Teacher training includes the unique Mindfulness Now programme, which offers an integrated/eclectic approach to mindfulness teaching and aims to equip teachers to work with individuals and groups with many requirements including helping with physical and emotional pain, stress and anxiety, as well as building emotional resilience. This programme is designed to incorporate one-to-one work with participants, along with group work, and is fully adaptable to meet the needs of individual participants. Mindfulness Now has also been designed in such a way as to make it possible for practitioners to integrate it with other therapeutic modalities.

Formal meditation practice is an important part of the training, with students being led through regular practice meditations, each followed by a particular form of discussion/feedback (enquiry). Students also work, both one-to-one and in triads, with their fellow students to practice the range of techniques covered. Students learn assessment techniques and methods of preparing clients/learners, including identification of contraindications and other potential problem areas.

At least part of the real learning begins following the practical teacher training when all students undertake an assignment based upon a brief question paper and a practical case study which is written up for assessment. Students have up to six months from attending the course to complete and submit their assignment. Examples are given of assignment structure and guidance over the required content.

After completion of the course and assignments, successful graduates are offered the opportunity to join the network of Mindfulness Now licensed and accredited teachers. The learning/support is ongoing and open-ended. The college maintains an open-door policy of welcoming students and graduates in person or via skype/phone.

In many ways learning mindfulness is a lifetime journey and one where do our best to ‘embody’ the practice in order to be authentic. We can’t really be an effective teacher without this. Graduates who wish to be part of our ‘programme’ are required to sign up to our code of ethical practice, maintain supervision, and undertake a certain amount of ongoing developmental study (CPD).

Training syllabus

A woman expressing her opinion to a group of 3 other men and another woman. They all look quite engaged.
The UK College of Mindfulness Meditation teacher training course is structured through a specific, day-by-day programme, designed to guide students, over 5 consecutive days, through a combination of practical ‘hands-on’ learning along with the teaching of underpinning theoretical knowledge. As well as being provided with a comprehensive printed training manual, students also receive the contents of this electronically to enable them to tailor teaching to specific needs. Additional handouts are provided as needed. Similarly, PowerPoint slides used within some parts of the training are also supplied to students for them to use/modify for use, where appropriate in their teaching.

Teacher training includes the unique Mindfulness Now programme, which offers an integrated/eclectic approach to mindfulness teaching and aims to equip teachers to work with individuals and groups with many requirements including helping with physical and emotional pain, stress and anxiety, as well as building emotional resilience. This programme is designed to incorporate one-to-one work with participants, along with group work, and is fully adaptable to meet the needs of individual participants. Mindfulness Now has also been designed in such a way as to make it possible for practitioners to integrate it with other therapeutic modalities.
Formal meditation practice is an important part of the training, with students being led through regular practice meditations, each followed by a particular form of discussion/feedback (enquiry). Students also work, both one-to-one and in triads, with their fellow students to practice the range of techniques covered. Students learn assessment techniques and methods of preparing clients/learners, including identification of contraindications and other potential problem areas.

At least part of the real learning begins following the practical teacher training when all students undertake an assignment based upon a brief question paper and a practical case study which is written up for assessment. Students have up to six months from attending the course to complete and submit their assignment. Examples are given of assignment structure and guidance over the required content.

After completion of the course and assignments, successful graduates are offered the opportunity to join the network of Mindfulness Now licensed and accredited teachers. The learning/support is ongoing and open-ended. The college maintains an open-door policy of welcoming students and graduates in person or via skype/phone.

In many ways learning mindfulness is a lifetime journey and one where do our best to ‘embody’ the practice in order to be authentic. We can’t really be an effective teacher without this. Graduates who wish to be part of our ‘programme’ are required to sign up to our code of ethical practice, maintain supervision, and undertake a certain amount of ongoing developmental study (CPD).

Assessment and qualifications

Mindfulness teacher students are assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Rapport skills
  • assessment and preparation of clients / learners
  • client/learner safety
  • teaching/facilitation ability
  • outcome monitoring
  • client/learner evaluation.

The following assessment methods are applied:

Observational assessment during the course of the training. Assignment based, post-course assessment involving practical case study work and written case study report.

Please note that the inclusive training fees cover assessment and certification, along with all teaching materials including our training manual, PowerPoint slides and other support materials.

The UK College mindfulness teacher training course provides a fully assessed and certificated teaching qualification, graduates of which are offered the opportunity to become part of the Mindfulness Now network of accredited teachers of mindfulness meditation. This is not a business franchise and there is nothing to purchase. Annually renewable licences are granted on an on-going basis for accredited teachers.

british psychological society logo

Post Qualification and Support

After completion of training and when working professionally as a mindfulness teacher, it can at times be a lonely life out there. The UK College of Mindfulness Meditation helps to prevent this from happening by making sure that its graduates are supported, professionally, on an on-going basis by the College’s continuing professional development (CPD) and supervision programmes.

In fact, before graduates are granted an accredited teacher status and membership of The UK College they are required to make a declaration of compliance with our ethical code, including that they agree to a programme of regular supervision and on-going CPD. This is monitored on an annual basis.

Beyond this, the learning / support is ongoing and open-ended. The college maintains an open-door policy of welcoming students and graduates in person or via zoom / phone. Each Monday evening, the college has a meditation ‘sitting’ open to all students and graduates, run live online over ‘Zoom’. This is an ideal opportunity for students to maintain supportive, formal practice.

The Mindfulness Teachers Register

The Mindfulness Teachers Register was launched by the UK College of Mindfulness Meditation in 2019 and has quickly become the largest professional register of mindfulness teachers in the UK. By being listed on the register, your opportunities for obtaining work are greatly increased.

The register is free to join and is made up of a community of accredited teachers of mindfulness. It is open to all teachers of mindfulness who have a recognised, externally accredited training and qualification in mindfulness teaching.

All members of the register agree to the following conditions:

  • To follow a strict code of ethical practice
  • to be supervised and undertake continuing professional development (CPD)
  • to maintain adequate professional insurance
  • to not bring the register into disrepute.

Pre-requisites and how to apply

There are no pre-requisites for this course - only a strong interest in meditation and mindfulness practice. You do not need to hold any specific religious belief. The structure of the course is such that you will be able to communicate and start to teach mindfulness by the end of the week programme. Like learning any new skill, you will be more proficient the more you practice it and you will be required to demonstrate evidence of CPD as part of the ongoing licence agreement.

When you register or book your place on the programme, we will send you a short form to complete to tell us about your experience of mindfulness to date. This isn't a test and lack of experience isn't an issue. It just allows us to ensure we provide training that is responsive to our students needs and current level of understanding. To apply or to discuss this further, simply click the date you are interested in and follow the steps to book, or message Rachel via the ‘Contact Us’ page

Course dates, fees and location

Our course dates are listed below. If the courses are full or you are unable to make particular dates, please contact us to join a waiting list and you will be notified when new dates are released.

The course fee is £850 (£900 from September 1st 2023), which is inclusive of the provision of training, electronic materials, assessment, certification, listing on the Register upon satisfactory completion of the assessment, the 'Breathing Space' journal and information about CPD and supervision opportunities. For those courses held on location rather than virtually, refreshments are also included. 

Courses are typically held at the Oppidan Social, Edge Street, Manchester. However, the exact course location may vary and the location will be provided on a per-event basis.

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